RoboForex Demo Contest

Tired of contests that are mostly the same? There is a new offer which is radically different from all others that do exist now! So, do you want to try something different? Read our full RoboForex Demo Contest Options Review and find out what it can offer to you!
RoboForex Demo Contest Review
Why is this cometition so different from the other ones? Because it is based on binary options trading. Yes, in order to win RoboForex Options Demo Contest you will not have to make any Forex trading! So if you are good binary options trader or just want to test your own binary strategies, this demo competition can possibly be good place to start.
Moreover, if you have absolutely no experience in binary options, RoboForex Demo Contest could be used to train yourself. But, is it actually good competition that is worth your time and effort? Just continue reading Robo Forex Demo Contest Review and you will find everything out!
How to Register for RoboForex Options Demo Competition?
This is where not so cool stuff about this competition starts. So, in order to get into this race, you will have to get Live Account first. We have absolutely no idea why they ask you for this, but it is truth, without live account, there is no ability to start your RoboForex Options Demo Contest. More to that, it has to be verified, which is additional headache that you have to deal with.
After you get real account, you should open demo contest account. Remember, that if you, even unintentionally, open two options competition accounts, you will be disqualified from the championship. But, if you do everything correctly, there is a demo options trading competition waiting for you!
RoboForex Options Demo Contest Prizes
As was told before, every round lasts one week, after that all options, even pending will be closed. Top 10 binary options traders will share 1,000 USD between them. Rewards are given as follows:
- Winner gets 250 USD
- Second and third get $200 and $150 respectively
- 4th and 5th get $110 and $90
- places from 6th to 10th get from 60 USD to 20 USD depending on their place.
As you can see, the prizes are not so awesome, especially if you finish below top-5. So, maybe there is not much reason to start this competition?
Additionally, your prize will have to be cleared before you will be able to withdraw it. And RoboForex Demo Contest rules suggest that you have to make a lot of trades in order to be able to withdraw your prize. Actually, 50 times more than you get.
So, if you get 20 USD prize, withdrawal will require you to make 1,000 USD trading volume. So, think twice, maybe it is not worth it.
Overall, the competition is good for those, who would like to trade binary options on demo account. But if you spend 1 week for 20 bucks, maybe it is just better to get free trading money and trade with them? Of course if you want, you can:
Remember, we have more Free Forex Bonuses that you can take!