InstaForex Lucky Trader Contest

Are you the lucky one? Do you always feel the power and luck to beat everybody and become the best? The good place to start is demo contest. Especially if it is called InstaForex Lucky Trader Demo Contest. This contest is going to help you with the beginning of your trader’s path without any deposits and real money from your pocket.
InstaForex Lucky Trader Contest Details
This contest from InstaForex allows you to test your luck and your skills in the challenge for the total prize pool of 3,ooo USD per contest. This contest is made for demo accounts, so you do not risk any personal funds if you take part in instaforex lucky trader demo contest.
Prizes are distributed between 8 best traders of every 2 weeks. The distribution looks like this:
- Winner gets 1,000 USD
- Second best receives 750 USD
- Third one gets 500 USD
- 4th, 5th … 8th get $250, $200, …, $50.
Prize pool is cool, especially since it is just for two weeks of trading on demo account. And since, you will be able to take part in another instaforex lucky trader conest, you can get yourself a nice bankroll for your career start.
InstaForex Lucky Trader Demo Contest Rules
If you want to take part in this contest, there are few steps you should do. First step – make yourself a demo account at instaforex. You can do it via buttons in the beginning and at the bottom of this post.
Next step – go to the InstaForex Lucky Trader Contest webpage and manually register yourself for this contest. Keep in mind, that registration ends in 1 hour before the beginning of the contest, so do it is better to sign up before.
After the beginning of this contest, in order to become the lucky trader number one, you have to make points by trading. The trader with the most points at the en of the contest wins.
Trading volumes for this contest are limited between 0.01 and 1 lots. Bonus points are given for successful trades and deducted for losing ones. They are calculated by the amount of pips you gain with the maximum of 10.
For example:
You make a successful trade for 23 pips with 0.8 lot. But due to the regulations of InstaForex Lucky Trader contest, amount of points you get will be 10 multiplied by 0.8, which is equal to 8 points.
Remember, that unsuccessful trades do not have the rule of 10 points and are calculated in full amount.
Also, your prize will be credited to your new real account and you will be able to trade using it. Sadly, you will not be able to withdraw prize from InstaForex Lucky Trader Contest at any time. But you can still cash out your profits, which is awesome.